Archive for September 2014

Memory Model –
Von Neumann Architecture

*        Fetches instructions and data from a single memory space
  • # Also known as Princeton architecture
*        Limits operating bandwidth
*        CISC designs are also more likely to feature this model
*        Uses unified cache memory: instructions and data may be stored in the same cache memory
*        Can be either reading an instruction or reading/writing data from/to the memory
  • # Both cannot occur at the same time since the instructions and data use the same bus system.
Memory Model –
(Pure or Strict) Harvard Architecture
*  The original Harvard architecture computer,the Harvard Mark I, employed entirely separate memory systems to store instructions and data.
*    Uses two separate memory spaces for program instructions and data – separate pathways with separate address spaces
  • # Allows for different bus widths
  • # Improved operating throughput
*        RISC designs are also more likely to feature this model
*   Note that having separate address spaces can create issues for high-level programming no supporting different address spaces (not good for CISC!)
*       The CPU can both read an instruction and perform a data memory access at the same time, even without a cache
  • #Faster (than Von Neumann) for a given circuit complexity because instruction fetches and  data access do not contend for a single memory pathway.
*        Example: PIC Microcontrollers (Separate code and data spaces)

Memory Model –
(Modified or Non-Strict) Harvard architecture
*        A Modified Harvard architecture machine is very much like a Harvard architecture machine
*        Modification can be different
  1.  The program and data memory occupy different address spaces, but there are operations to read and/or write program memory as data.
  2. It relaxes the strict separation between memories while still letting the CPU concurrently access two (or more) memory busses
  • #It offers separate pathways with the unified address spaces of the memory
  •  #As far as the programmer is concerned the machine performs like a von Neumann machine
*    Remember: many modern computers that are documented as Harvard Architecture are, in fact, Modified Harvard Architecture
*       Applications
  • # Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontroller
  • #PlayStation Portable's WLAN chip, and many more; anything with enhanced DSP application; x86 (Intel) processors, ARM cores (ARM9) embedded as applications processors in cell phones, and PowerPC.
*             Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC)
·           In the 70s, advances took place in the semiconductor industry
·           No revolutionary architecture or organization improvement
·           The trend was to increase the microcode complexity, leading to Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISCs).
·           Each instruction performing a complex sequence of operations over many cycles.
*            Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC)
  • #Many addressing modes and long instructions
  • #High code density 
  • #Often require manual optimization of assembly code for embedded systems
*             Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC)
  • #  Original concepts emerged from optimizing compiler
    • >Powerful, complex instructions are hard to use
    • > Compiler-generated code makes frequent use of a relatively small number of simple instructions.
  • #Emerged from the universities and research labs:
    • > IBM 801 Computer [John Cocke 1975]
    • > Berkeley RISC [David Patterson 1980] _ Sun SPARC
    • > Stanford MIPS [John Hennessy] _ MIPS
  • #RISC Features
  •  Architectural
  • o Fixed instruction size with few formats
  • o Load-store architecture
  • o Smaller die size
  •  Performance
  • o Pipelined execution
  • o Single cycle execution
  • o Higher clock rate
  •  Drawbacks
  • o Poor code density, compared with CISC
  • o Increased power consumption
*         Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
 Compact, uniform instructions = facilitate pipelining
 More lines of code = large memory footprint
 Allow effective compiler optimization


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